Guitar Chord Charts
Click the song you would like to learn to see the guitar chord chart. Check back periodically as I plan to add more songs soon!
Click the song you would like to learn to see the guitar chord chart. Check back periodically as I plan to add more songs soon!
“Dan's lessons are well thought out and the arrangements are complete and pleasing. His easygoing manner and ability to communicate his thoughts on video have been a tremendous benefit. The tab is complete enough and well written but it leaves room for me to add my own style to the arrangements. I look forward to continuing to work through the rest of the lessons.”
Tim O'Neill - Binghamton , NY
“Your website lessons are great and challenging. Songs I know and can
relate to. While I've been playing guitar for many years I am very rusty and haven't kept up. I learned a little "Travis style" or "Chet Atkins style" picking at a very young age but unfortunately got busy through the years! Your choice of songs and teaching "methodology" keep me interested, disciplined and focused. I'm rejuvenated again! I can also learn on my own time due to a very busy work schedule.”
Charley Nix - Gainesville, GA
“I came across this website by chance, and am I ever glad I did. Tired of strumming along to songs, I've been trying to learn fingerstyle guitar but could not find a teacher or even a decent book with arrangements of songs I'd actually like to play. Dan's site changed all that. In less than a month, I could pick up a guitar and play full songs, by myself, including the melody, bass line, and accompaniment. I've worked by way through the beginner pieces and I'm moving up to the more advanced stuff. And there's a nice choice of songs, from Dylan, Lightfoot and James Taylor, to Hendrix, Dire Straits and Green Day, all nicely laid out for guitar in tab format. If you're looking to play fingerstyle guitar, then subscribe to Dan's website. It's worth every penny.”
Brian Ventrudo - Ottowa Canada
I currently live and teach in Roswell, GA.
4365 Mabry Lane Roswell, GA 30075
Dan C. Holloway
Dan C Holloway. Copyright © 2018 All Rights Reserved.